Pacific Saury
The epitome of autumn flavors in Ofunato
Our dedication to Pacific Saury

Enjoy the finest Sanma dishes in Ofunato,
renowned for its national leading catch.
Ofunato boasts one of the highest catches of Sanma nationwide.
Sanma, which migrates northward feeding until summer, heads south along the Pacific coast in autumn to spawn, fattening up along the way.
The Sanma arriving in Ofunato are in their fattiest state.
Enjoy the unique Sanma dishes of this famous region.

The outstanding freshness of our sashimi
is a momentary luxury.
Our sashimi, only possible with fresh Sanma, is a must-try seasonal delicacy.
Savor the melt-in-your-mouth fatty goodness and the plump texture.
In the town of Sanma, Ofunato, enjoy this rare delicacy, a privilege for just a limited time.

The quintessential grilled Sanma with salt,
maximizing the quality of the ingredient, is a must.
The classic grilled Sanma is carefully prepared from marinating to grilling.
Enjoy the crispy, fragrant skin and the plump, juicy flesh, rich in fat.
Pair it with grated radish drizzled with soy sauce and freshly squeezed sudachi for an exceptional taste.